CAE Simulation - HyperWorks

CAE Simulation and Optimization

ALTAIR HYPERWORKS offers tools for modeling, analysis, optimization, visualization and automation of processes in the area of structural mechanics, multi-body simulation, fluid dynamics, electromagnetics and multi-physics.

Altair HyperWorks suite is one of the world’s most widely used software tools for CAE modeling and simulation used across all industries. Check their potential benefits for your business. Contact Advanced Engineering, the official distributor for the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.

Learn about the advantages and broad application

Altair HyperWorks platform

Altair HyperWorks software tools provide a flexible solution for modeling, analysis, optimization, visualization, and automation of processes in the area of structural mechanics, multi-body simulation, or manufacturing process simulation. The individual HyperWorks tools can be effectively included in the CAE process from CAD data processing through advanced networking methods up to linear and non-linear calculations and stochastic studies.

See the selected pre-processing highlights of HyperWorks next generation.

Next Generation Altair HyperWorks

The next stage of successful development of Altair HyperWorks tools is a new generation, also called HyperWorks X. In addition to pre-processing and post-processing with an open link to various solvers, it also includes integrated solutions such as HyperWorks CFD, NVH, and Safety.

In this video, see what’s new in version 2021, and learn about news in version 2022.

HyperWorks Design Explorer

Learn about Design Explorer, which is a part of the new generation of HyperWorks. It integrates functionality known from Altair HyperStudy to the HyperWorks interface. It facilitates and, thanks to AI / ML, speeds up workflows for multi-run tasks. Typically they are optimization and DOE studies (parametric studies, sensitivity analyzes) with the goal to tune the design solution to meet multi-criteria requirements.

Solution for Multi-physics Analysis and Optimization

A wide range of solvers and computational methods predestines Altair HyperWorks for multi-physical analysis and multi-criteria optimization of design solutions.

Here is an example of an electric motor design optimization.

Integrated solution for complete product design

The complete design of the most suitable shape solution from the point of view of ergonomics, industrial design, performance, mechanical resistance, manufacturability, or multi-physical effects can be solved in a uniform, user-friendly interface of the SimLab and Inspire tools.

Here is an example of medical injector design optimization.

What is HyperWorks software used for?

  • Analysis and optimization
    Altair OptiStruct, Radioss, MotionSolve, HyperLife, and SimSolid are designed for structural analysis of structures and advanced product optimization. Discover the most stressed areas in products and find out how to optimize, strengthen and improve the product. When developing the product, use also a multi-physics approach and analyze your product from the point of view of thermal stress and fluid flow (AcuSolve, nanoFluidX, ultraFluidX) or interaction with bulk materials (EDEM), from the point of view of electromagnetism (Flux, Feko) or electronic PCB design (Pollex). At the top benefit from the highest level of simulation – multicriteria and multi-physical studies and optimization with the help of HyperStudy and special tools using artificial intelligence – shapeAI, romAI, and others.
  • Modeling and visualization
    3D modeling and preparation of finite-element mesh and solver-decks are carried out using the preprocessing software, or tools for the preparation of finite-element and multi-body models for subsequent calculation. Pre-processing is covered by HyperMesh, HyperCrash, MotionView, and SimLab. Post-processing tools HyperView, HyperGraph 2D/3D, or HyperStudy are suitable for analyzing the calculation results, data visualization, and easy interpretation thereof.
  • Simulation-driven Design
    Altair SimSolid software and Altair Inspire product family are used for simulation processes as part of conceptual product development. The Simulation-driven Design concept enables engineers to design the optimal shape of components directly according to load requirements, perform very fast analysis of different solution variants, make quick decisions, and find the optimal solutions.
  • Cloud and HPC solutions supported
    Altair makes it possible to use software tools based on on-premise IT infrastructure as well as through cloud service. Use the hardware appliance HyperWorks Unlimited or the technologies of High-performance Computing in a cloud environment for modeling and calculations of the PBS Works Professional technology (optimal planning of tasks and utilization of IT resources).
  • Altair Partner Alliance included
    In addition to Altair tools, it is possible to use also third-party software within the Altair Partner Alliance licensing program. For example, we offer fluid dynamics analysis software (CFD), EM field simulation, fatigue, and structural life calculations, and a range of industry-specific tools. By using the comprehensive package of programs within the flexible Altair licensing system, the user significantly saves costs in the CAE process.

Altair solutions overview
Structures | Fluids and Thermal | Electromagnetics | Multiphysics | Industrial Design | Manufacturing | HPC and Cloud | Inernet of Things | Data Analytics | Altair Patrtner Alliance

See all possibilities of Altair and partner tools across simulation disciplines in this capabilities chart.

Learn more about simulation tools at

We will guide you through the CAE tool evaluation

We will recommend the most suitable tool for your typical tasks, provide a trial license, and show you the right workflows and best practices. We will evaluate it together on your examples through benchmarks or PoC projects. Contact us or use the tutorials to evaluate the tools yourself.

Download: eBooks | Webinars | Articles | Technical documents
More information: Altair Resource Library | Altair Learning Center | Learning library at Altair University

HyperWorks platform tools:

Integrated FEA solution for multiphysics

Altair SimLab

Process-oriented multi-disciplinary simulation environment for complex assembly analysis. It is prepared for solving multi-physical analyses (structural, thermal, fluid flow). SimLab’s pre-processing delivers highly automated model preparation and networking, resulting in high-quality and optimally fine mesh at critical points. This is done by direct linking of FEM model to CAD geometry (features), template-based meshing, scripting, and other techniques. SimLab achieves high time savings, especially in complex shape parts and processing of many product variants.

With SimLab you will get a complete solution with integrated Altair solvers OptiStruct, Radioss, AcuSolve, Flux, ElectroFlo and others for complex multiphysics analyses. Examples include consumer electronics and their optimization in terms of mechanical, thermal, and EM properties.

Featured resources: eBook: Practical Aspects of FEA | Webinar | Videos | SimLab applications

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Advanced pre-processing and post-processing tools

Altair HyperMesh

Following the experience of a modern user experience in SimLab, Inspire, Compose and Activate, Altair has developed a new-generation HyperMesh that includes a new workflow functionality for creating and editing geometry, morphing, FEM meshing.

HyperMesh is the most versatile pre- and post-processing environment for preparing FEM and other models supporting calculations in a variety of solvers, not only from Altair. In HyperMesh, you can combine various model build approaches – 3D, 2D, 1D, handle large assemblies, quickly verify the impact of changes (e.g. thanks to the Morphing function) and efficiently perform optimizations and DOE studies (Design Explorer module). HyperMesh functions in new versions powerfully supports machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms – so-called AI-Powered Engineering. An example is the physicsAI solution, where the AI model replaces the numerical solver after the learning phase and speeds up the simulation of the considered part variants by an order of magnitude. And with the result visualizations as in traditional CAE.

An integral part of Altair HyperMesh is the post-processing module HyperView, with which you can easily and efficiently visualize the results of simulations and automatically create computational reports.

Featured resources: Video 10 reasons for Altair HyperWorks | Getting Started videoWebinar: Next Generation HyperMesh | HyperMesh Applications

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Altair SimLab

SimLab can also be used as a pre- and post-processing tool as an alternative to Altair HyperMesh. It uses a different approach to linking to CAD data and a different workflow for change management – direct linking of the FEM model to CAD geometry (features), template-based meshing, specific scripting, and other techniques. The typical use of SimLab is for shape-complex parts (castings, injection molded plastic parts, etc.) and volumes for CFD analysis, where the use of 3D tetra meshes is most appropriate.

With a SimLab you will get a pre-processing tool that can be used not only with integrated Altair solvers but also the open solution for preparing models for other solvers including third-party ones.

Featured resources: eBook: Practical Aspects of FEA | Webinar | Videos | SimLab applications

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Altair HyperCrash

A robust pre-processing tool specifically developed to automate the creation of high-quality models for virtual crash testing and passive vehicle safety verification. Typical use is with explicit solver Altair Radioss and LS-Dyna. Now as integral part of HyperWorks.

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Altair HyperView

As a part of HyperMesh it is a post-processing and visualization tool for FEM analysis, multi-body simulation, and CFD tasks. It includes advanced visualizations and animations, window content synchronization when users evaluate the results in different visualizations. Additionally, there is free HyperView Player as a tool for sharing analysis results in 3D.

Featured resources: Webináře HyperView Reports, Post-processing for crash analysis, Post-processing for NVH analysis

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Altair HyperGraph

A powerful tool for analyzing simulation results and creating 2D / 3D graphs. The math engine contains more than two hundred mathematical functions and operators, has an interface to HyperMath, Python, or MatLab, and can process data from a variety of data formats. Therefore, it is often used in combination with other vendors’ solvers.

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Solvers for analysis and optimization of mechanical structures, dynamic, thermal, and fluid systems, and electromagnetism

Altair OptiStruct

Long-term proven, modern structural solver of linear and nonlinear problems in the field of statics, dynamics, vibration, acoustics, durability, and multi-physical disciplines. It has gained its reputation as a cutting-edge tool thanks to advanced features for topological, shape, and size optimization. You can optimize the product for the best weight, stiffness, strength, durability, or vibration suppression while maintaining or improving other parameters.

Featured resources: Webinar | eBooks: Practical aspects of FEM, Structural Optimization, Non-linear analysis, Composites, Dynamic analysis, Thermal Analysis, Fatigue | OptiStruct Applications

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Altair Radioss

A leader and high-performance explicit solver for highly nonlinear problems and dynamic loads. It is a worldwide used tool for solving the impact resistance of mechanical structures, increasing passive safety, and verifying manufacturability used in all industries. In addition to classic applications in the automotive and aerospace industries, it also has successful applications in the defense industry.

Featured resources: Overview video | eBook: Introduction to Explicit Analysis using RADIOSS | Radioss Applications

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Altair SimSolid

A revolutionary simulation tool for linear and nonlinear structural analysis. It eliminates the need to simplify the geometric model and meshing, the most time-consuming and accuracy-sensitive activities of traditional FEM tools. SimSolid also achieves extremely short computational times thanks to a different computing method (not using the classical finite element method). Its typical use is in the area of conceptual design or evaluation of many variants. A very efficient tool for quick decisions and selecting the optimal design variant.

The functionality of Altair SimSolid is constantly expanding. Examples are fatigue calculations or thermal analyses usable e.g. for applications in electronic system design. The linear form of SimSolid with structural analyses can also be used as a web application (via Altair One) or as a built-in alternative solver within Altair Inspire.

Featured resources: Datasheet | eBook: Simulation Revolution with SimSolid | Webinar | Webinar – fatigue analysis | Videos

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Altair HyperLife

A highly intuitive application developed on a framework independent on a specific FEM solver. It contains a set of functions for fatigue analysis and lifetime prediction of mechanical structures. The algorithms applied in HyperLife have been tested by hundreds of thousands of calculations within the portal.

Featured resources: Video Fatigue Life & Durability Prediction Workflow | Webinar | Webinar – welded structures

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Altair MotionSolve

Integrated solution for analysis and optimization of mechanisms (Multi-body Dynamics). 3D multi-body mechanism simulation helps predict dynamic response and optimize product performance. Thanks to close cooperation with customers, MotionSolve is a well-proven tool in terms of quality, robustness, and speed. MotionView is used to prepare simulation models and visualize the results.

Featured resources: Video: Basics of Multi-Body Simulation | eBook: Multi-Body Simulation with HyperWorks | Motionview/MotionSolve Introduction v2020

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Altair AcuSolve

Leading general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver that is capable of solving the most demanding industrial and scientific applications. Robust and scalable Navier-Stokes (NS) solver technology empowers users by providing unparalleled accuracy.

Featured resources: Fluids and thermal solutions | Altair CFD™ | Multiphysics

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Altair Flux

Finite-element-method software for electromagnetic and thermal simulations in both 2D and 3D applications. It is a solution for low-frequency electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, which is used for the development of electric motors, actuators, transformers, power electronics, sensors, induction heating devices, for electromagnetic compatibility tasks, etc. FluxMotor application is dedicated to the design of electric motors.

Featured resources: Overview video | Video Altair Flux 2020 | EM a multiphysics simulation with Altair Flux | Flux Motor Training videos | Webinar Multiphysics Optimization to Design High-Performance Rotating Machines | Flux applications

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Altair HyperStudy

Solver-independent tool for design studies and multi-disciplinary product design optimization in terms of performance, functionality, and robustness. It helps designers and engineers understand design variations, data dependencies, and parameter value trends, and find a balanced, optimized, and robust design.

Featured resources: Introduction to HyperStudy video | eBooks: Introduction to Design of Experiments (DOE), Introduction into Fit Approximations with HyperStudy | HyperStudy Applications

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Solvers for specific tasks in the area of mechanics, fluids, high-frequency electromagnetism, and electronics

Altair EDEM

Altair EDEM

Altair EDEM is a high-performance software for bulk and granular material simulation.

Powered by state-of-the-art Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) technology, EDEM quickly and accurately simulates and analyzes the behavior of granular materials such as coal, mined ores, soils, fibers, grains, tablets, and powders.

EDEM simulation solution provides engineers with crucial insight into how those materials will interact with their equipment during a range of operation and process conditions.

EDEM can be used stand-alone or in streamlined workflows combined with other CAE technology such as Altair MotionSolve.

Featured resources: Overview video | eBooks: What is DEM, DEM for Construction & Mining, EDEM for Powder Handling, EDEM for steelmaking | EDEM applications

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Altair ultraFluidX

Simulation tool for ultra-fast prediction of aerodynamic properties of cars and trucks as well as evaluation of buildings from the perspective of wind load. Tool for analysis of external aerodynamics based on Lattice Boltzmann method.

Featured resources: Webinar GPU accelerated Aerodynamics CFD using Altair ultraFluidX | eBook: Vehicle Aerodynamic Analysis with ultraFluidX and Virtual Wind Tunnel | Altair CFD™

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Altair nanoFluidX

Simulation tool for fluid flow analysis based on Smooth-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, which predicts fluid flow within complex geometry of the mechanical structure and under the influence of moving parts. A typical example is the transmission oil lubrication simulation.

Featured resources: nanoFluidX overview video | Webinars: Powertrain Oiling Simulation, Workflow of nanoFluidX, HyperMesh, and SimLab | nanoFluidX applications | Altair CFD™

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Altair Feko

High-frequency electromagnetic field analysis software to address a wide range of EM problems. It is used e.g. for the design of antennas of various kinds, radar systems, and telematics systems, as well as for the development of car keyless locking systems, magnetic resonance imaging diagnostic devices, for simulation of electronic equipment decommissioning (SAR), and electromagnetic compatibility solutions. The second tool is WinProp, which simulates EM waves propagation for both indoor and urban environments and also the open countryside. It is used in telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, and other industries.

Featured resources: Feko overview video | eBook: Basics of Electromagnetic Simulation with Altair Feko Altair Feko | Educational video series for students | Feko applications

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Altair Pollex

Altair Pollex

Altair PollEx is the most comprehensive and integrated set of PCB design viewing, analysis, and verification tools in the market for electrical, electronics, and manufacturing engineers. PollEx is an open solution, which transfers data flawlessly between different ECAD and simulation environments. While PCB design tools are traditionally reserved for PCB design engineers, engineers from other disciplines like hardware design, manufacturing, testing and mechanical need to also access, review and analyze the design and manufacturing data of PCBs and their Integrated Circuit (IC) packages.

Featured resources: Webinars Introduction to Altair Pollex, Design and Verification of PCB with Altair Pollex | Pollex applications

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Using 0D, 1D with 3D simulations enables to to model and optimize the complete mechanical system including the control subsystem

Altair Compose

Altair Compose

A numerical computing environment that allows users to easily create mathematical models, perform computations, mass data processing, and data visualization. All with script development and debugging support. Compose includes mathematical functions in the field of algebra, matrix calculus, differential equations, signal data processing etc. Further extensions are possible through Python libraries. Thanks to CAE integration, Professional Edition helps to automate pre- and post-processing tasks.

Featured resources: Presentation – Model-Based Development | Webinar | eBooks Math, Scripting, Data Analytics and Visualization; Modeling of Elasto-plastic Materials; System Dynamics and Control

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Altair Twin Activate

A tool for model-based development approach in product development. It allows engineers to design control, simulate the behavior of hybrid systems, and optimize it. The model is described in the form of 1D models represented by block diagrams and is coupled to 3D FEA models as needed.

An important innovation is the romAI module, which enables simplification of complex systems (Reduced Order Modeling) using machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies.

Featured resources: Presentation – Model-Based Development | eBook Basics of System Modeling and Control Systems | Activate applications

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Altair Embed

A tool for embedded systems development that automatically generates code for target hardware based on block diagram models. You can verify your designs with Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL). Embed, together with Compose and Activate, is part of the Model-Based Development solution.

Featured resources: Embed applications

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A material database with CAE models for many solvers, not only from Altair

Altair Material Data Center

Altair Material Data Center

Search the database for suitable materials, compare their properties, and use them in simulations instead of generic materials. Material information comes from Altair (formerly M-Base), material manufacturers and independent material data providers.

AMDC is a web-based application running in the Altair One web portal which provides wide functionality for searching, detailed viewing and comparing materials. In addition, it also offers material model downloads supporting Altair solvers (incl. Inspire family), as well as Abaqus, Nastran, Ansys, LS-Dyna, PAM Crash and Cadmould solvers.

Downloads: Overview video

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Altair License System

Licenses of Altair software tools are provided via tokens called Altair Units (successor to HyperWorks Units and solidThinking Units). It is a patented highly flexible, scalable, and cost-effective license model.

Altair Units

License units are concurrent and sharable by different users in different locations within the entire license region (in our case the whole EMEA), there is a leveling system (when using other tools and solvers it does not increase the consumption of units) and you can choose from several application packages to optimize cost (role-based packages for a mechanical engineer, a concept engineer, a CAE engineer or a specialist in mechatronics or multi-physical applications).

Learn about Altair Units also on website.
Contact us to find the most suitable licensing solution for you.

More information

A complete portfolio of Altair products

Training materials in Altair Resource Library
Training materials in Altair University

Videos and webinars on Altair’s YouTube channel.
Videos and webinars on Altair University’s YouTube channel.

Arrange an appointment at your office or visit Advanced Engineering in Prague-Letňany.

logo-textBenefits of Altair software tools: 

Altair HyperWorks X

Broad range of simulation technologies including multi-physics analysis and optimization.

The most advanced technologies enabling innovation, reduction of development times, and reduction of costs throughout the product life cycle.

Integrated portfolio of solutions in the following areas

  • CAE solvers and optimization
  • Modeling and visualization
  • Tools for conceptual design and verification of manufacturability
  • Industrial Design
  • Data Analytics and Internet of Things
  • High-performance Computing

SW products open to other CAD/CAE solutions.

Altair’s experience from the implementation of own engineering projects.

Unique and cost-effective licensing model.

logo-textSelected clients 

We support Altair software in major international and local companies in the automotive, aerospace
and engineering industry.

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